
Creating a professional network

The term “professional network” is not infrequently encountered in the medium of professional development. If you are interested in developing professionally then you should definitely invest in your professional networking, which is actually more straightforward than you think.Creating a professional network

What is professional networking?

Professional networking is meeting new people who share your profession, industry, or interest. Exchanging ideas and information with them gives the complete picture of networking.

Professional networking occurs in formal settings and should not be confused with computer networking. An office meeting, a dedicated event, or an email request to meet with a professional. In all cases, networking is only about meeting new people and professionals helping each other develop their careers.

Why it is significant:

  1. New knowledge and ideas

Networking helps a lot in sharing ideas and knowledge. It also exposes you to them. From here can arise meaningful exchanges and valuable conversations about your approach to how you work and what you do.

  1. Employment opportunities

Share the new job position at the company you work for and that’s how networking does its job, bringing a new employee and friend to your workplace.

  1. Advice and support

Sharing, you give and take. Advice and support from a colleague become an important part of the job. Even when you help out, there’s a good chance you’ll learn something along the way.

Some tips on how to build your professional network:

Although it may sound scary and unpleasant, it doesn’t have to be.

  1. Dedicate time to your networking

During your day, set a schedule that you will dedicate to this activity.

  1. Help colleagues

It’s not just about you, it’s about how you grow with others around you.

  1. Choose quality over quantity

Don’t fall prey to the desire to have many contacts, keep old contacts and evaluate very carefully the opportunities for new acquaintances.

  1. Expand on social networks

Make yourself visible and others will remember you.

  1. Remember that networking is a journey

Professional networking takes time, be patient and everything will come as a natural progression.



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