
Postuar ne 11 Mar 2021

New curricula for albanian agriculture vet schools

One of SpoonbillNest’s main goals is to update and improve the school curricula, especially for vocational education and training schools. That is why we have had discussions with “Mihal Shahini” VET school and Solar Green Education (Spain) to create a new program. We are happy to announce that we have come up with the pilot program “Sustainable Curricula for Albanian Agriculture VET Schools” and we plan to start with “Mihal Shahini” school. The program will consist of three courses:

• Sustainable Agriculture
• Sustainable Water Management
• Sustainable Energy

The Sustainable Agriculture Course is a one-year, 216-hour course, with an emphasis on the preservation of the places and processes for future viability, sustainability, and growth. It will cover topics such as soil conservation and management, soil drainage and water supply, managing farm equipment, and sustainable plant propagation. It will also discuss Value Chain Models for areas such as fruit and vegetable chain, the forest value chain, including forest and plantation management; and grain and seed value chains, including the production of grains and seeds, the concentrated foot plant, and processing grains for human consumption. The main focus will be on sustainable methodologies that promote the long-term viability and health of the soil, water, and food supply.


Sustainable Water Management is a 36-hour course that focuses on the quality and safety of drinkable water. It covers topics such as microbiological aspects, chemical aspects, and physical aspects of water. It also covers the industrial process, pretreatments, coagulation, flocculation, decantation, filtration, and disinfection through which drinking water undergoes.


Lastly, Sustainable Energy is a 36-hour course as well. The focus of this course will be on renewable energy such as wind and solar energy. More specifically it will discuss what type of sustainable energy can be used locally. This course will also include a practice module for the installment and maintenance of solar panels.


The implementation of this program will start immediately after the approval from the Curriculum Approval Directorate of Albania. The first step will be to train teachers to deliver such knowledge to the students. They will get trained by Solar Green Education, in order to have the same standard. Later on, they will be able to start the application of the curricula and train the students of Mihal Shahini VET school and effectively prepare them for the future. Currently, we are still waiting on the approval, but we are positive about the outcome. This is only our first step toward improving Albanian Agriculture VET schools.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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Albania Vet schools

Bujqësia e Qëndrueshme është një kurs një vjeçar prej 216 orësh, me fokus në ruajtjen e vendeve dhe proceseve për qëndrueshmërinë, dhe zhvillimin e ardhshëm. Kursi mbulon tema të tilla si ruajtja dhe menaxhimi i tokës, kullimi i tokës dhe furnizimi me ujë, menaxhimi i pajisjeve të fermave dhe shumimi i qëndrueshëm i bimëve. […]

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