
The benefits of hands-on learning: why hands-on experience is key to success

We believe you have heard more than once during your schooling that the real world is nothing like the classroom or the theory of the books and that you will face situations that won’t ever need theoretical solutions. Although this is not entirely true, practice is an approach of educational systems that helps a lot after finishing academic studies.The benefits of hands-on learning
Practical learning has a pivotal role in the formation and complete preparation of students to adapt more smoothly to their jobs, as it not only helps in the perception of real-life models and situations but creates skills and expressions of great value along the way that help them to succeed in their professional, but also personal life.

Top reasons why hands-on learning is a formula for success:

  1. Improves retention and recall of knowledge

Because hands-on learning stimulates the use of many senses, it helps to remember or retain information and knowledge because our brain associates it with touching, seeing, and hearing. We all turn our heads when we hear a familiar voice because our brain associates it with a sign that our senses have picked up.

  1. Improves critical thinking

Practical learning confronts real situations that require solutions. In this way, students can apply their knowledge to solving a real-life problem enabling problem-solving, creative and innovative skills.

  1. More motivation and engagement

Contrasting hands-on learning with traditional learning, the former is more motivating and engaging, as we feel some sense of fulfillment and satisfaction after completing a task or project. These two components (motivation and engagement) help in better concentration, resulting in more productive learning.

  1. More prepared at work

Experience and practical skills gained from hands-on learning are valuable components of success on the job. We bet you’ve heard hundreds of times that “someone with experience is needed.” Well, hands-on learning provides that experience.

  1. Better interpersonal skills

Hands-on learning pits students against each other, and they must work together to succeed. Such experiences develop communication, leadership, and teamwork skills, all highly valued by employees.

Extra – Benefits of practical skills (gained from practical learning):
  1. Greater profits
  2. They give you a hand with applications
  3. They give you work experience
  4. Facilitate freelancing
  5. Enrich your education
  6. Encourage cooperation


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Waiters/Waitresses: the most frequently asked questions (so you can know anything about them)

You have gone out for a nice dinner during your holidays, your view is fascinating, you can feel the breeze, faded noises in the background, and there it comes, a smiley face, polite and ready to serve you. Feels always very nice to experience a warm welcome and good customer service.
Let’s look at some of the most frequently asked questions about waiters/waitresses and explore their job.

What does a waiter/waitress do?

Waiters and waitresses provide excellent dining experiences through watchfulness ang great costumer service. In fact, they do numerous things: provide menu information, serve, collect payments etc.


What are a waiter/waitresses’ duties and/or responsibilities?

It’s easier to list some of their duties, so here we go:

  1. Greeting and escorting costumers to their tables
  2. Presenting and providing information about the menu (when asked)
  3. Preparing tables
  4. Taking accurate orders
  5. Delivering checks and collecting payments

Note that there are many more services a waiter/waitress does.

What requirements does a waiter/waitress need to meet?

  1. Other experience as a waiter/waitress (varying by the employer request)
  2. Attentiveness and patience
  3. Practical experience with working systems (cash register, ordering information system, etc.)
  4. Effective communication skills
  5. Active listening skills
  6. Satisfying presenting skills
  7. High-school diploma
  8. PLUS: Training

How to know a waiter/waitress is good?

Good waiters/waitresses have a friendly personality and display willingness to serve and be helpful to the clients. Interpersonal and multitasking skills help them a great deal.

Who does a waiter/waitress work with?

Waiters/waitresses commonly work with colleagues and can report to a supervisor, depending on the working outlet.

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AutoCAD basics

If you have ever wondered how, colossal monuments, tiny, cozy houses, or weird but unique products may become reality from just someone’s idea, then you are missing a significant step, and that’s AutoCAD. AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software, widely used in engineering, architecture, and construction industries to create 2D and 3D designs. In this article, you’ll read about the basics of AutoCAD, its features, and its uses.
AutoCAD was created by Autodesk, Inc., a software company specializing in creating software tools for various industries. First released in 1982, AutoCAD has become the industry standard for CAD software.

Some of AutoCAD’s Features

AutoCAD holds a range of features that make it a powerful tool for design and drafting, including: 


2D Drafting

AutoCAD allows you to create 2D drawings with a range of tools for drawing lines, circles, arcs, and polygons. It also has tools for creating text, dimensions, and hatching.

3D Modeling

With AutoCAD, you can create 3D models of your designs, using a range of tools, such as extrusion, revolve, loft, and sweep.


AutoCAD has numerous annotation tools for adding text, dimensions, and symbols to your designs. You can also create custom annotations using blocks and attributes.


With multiple features for collaboration, including file sharing and team collaboration tools, you can also import and export files in a range of formats, including DWG, DXF, and PDF.


You can customize the interface, tools, and commands to suit your needs; create custom menus, tool palettes, and macros to streamline your workflow.


Uses of AutoCAD

AutoCAD is used in a range of industries. Some of the most common are:

  1. Architecture: widely used to create floor plans, elevations, and sections of buildings.
  2. Engineering: used in engineering to create detailed drawings of mechanical and electrical components.
  3. Construction: plans for buildings and structures.
  4. Manufacturing: commonly used to create detailed 3D models of products.
  5. Interior Design: effective to create plans for furniture, fixtures, and fittings.

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How and why nurture healthy work relationships?

Work can get a very harsh and challenging environment, but your days won’t get unbearable if you create good relationships with your colleagues, based on understanding and professionalism.How and why nurture healthy work relationships?

Lived experience and several studies, as well as publications show that healthy work relationships have multiple benefits, projecting from personal to collective.

Why are healthy work relationships important?

There are reasons why healthy work relationships are effective and give amazing feedback:

  1. Teamwork: a good relationship with your colleagues increases the possibility for your teamwork to be more pleasant, consequently increasing the possibilities for your teamwork to be excellent.
  2. High spirits: colleagues who get along and don’t make your life hard, affect the collective high spirits, why not in company moral, creating a motivating environment.
  3. Effectiveness and work satisfaction: a conflict free environment helps you be more productive and better at what you do, being professionally satisfied.
  4. Personal growth: to have good working relationships translates to less stressing over matters that take away time from your own professional growth.


How to built healthy relationships at work?

Communicate often

Communicate every chance you get with your colleagues. This way you make sure to get updates about everything that concerns your mutual work and you also get to build a long lasting relationship.

Create trustworthiness

A colleague who doesn’t believe in you won’t show any sign of interest to create a good working relationship. Respect the deadlines, be serious, respect and understand.

No one likes tea

No colleagues you spread words about won’t look at you nicely! We think that’s enough to understand that gossip won’t grace your work figure, neither that of your colleagues!

Support your colleagues

There are days when a nice word it’s enough to inspire and encourage new efforts and energies. Help your colleagues as much as you can, but be careful not to do their work!

Play by the unwritten rules

In every work environment exist unwritten rules (company guidelines) on how to work. Knowing and applying them considerably improves your relationship with your colleagues.

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The advantages of soft skills in the workplace: why they matter and how to improve them

We have talked about soft skills before, but in this article we will talk about their benefits in the workplace, why they are important and how you can improve them.The advantages of soft skills in the workplace

How soft skills help you at work:

They make you a long-term employee

Soft skills are among the main traits that employers look for in potential employees. People with soft skills in communication, conflict resolution and motivation always have an advantage in the job interview.

Tip: communicate often with your colleagues, practice self-restraint and analyze situations calmly.

They help maintain good relationships

Empathy and emotional intelligence are soft skills that help you see situations and problems through the eyes of others. Empathy for others and what they may be going through fosters healthier relationships and makes it easier to interact with someone you don’t get along with. Also, these two soft skills help to improve teamwork.

Tip: read up on emotional intelligence and empathy.

Group work

Teamwork is a common work practice in which active listening and flexibility help you be more productive.

They make you valuable and reliable employees

Employers highly value integrity and work ethic. They don’t need words, but employees to hold them accountable when their work succeeds and when it fails. Also, employees who are motivated show a tendency to take initiatives. Nothing is more important than you owning your work and your ideas.

Tip: read up on active listening and learn about the techniques.

Influence the growth of your networking

Employees with soft skills have a tendency to be curious and show a desire to try different opportunities for career development. You will be valued even more in your work if your acquaintances serve it.

Affects professional growth

When you accept and apply constructive feedback, you help yourself improve your skills.

Prevents tangles and clutter

You will almost never get into trouble if you combine your organizational skills with communication.

Tip: use a planner (planner, journal)

They show that you have leadership skills and increase your performance

Soft skills like adaptability and determination make you see development opportunities more clearly. Soft skills help you enhance your image, as they make you a better employee, an asset to your work environment.


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It’s time to get social on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been around probably before you had even realized what your career path would be, but time has proven that it has only gotten greater. Serving as the biggest professional networking platform in the world, LinkedIn only gets bigger, with almost 900 million members, and you, need to be on it, as soon as possible.It’s time to get social on LinkedIn

Nowadays you need to put yourself in the spotlight, only this way you can find a job, create opportunities and grow an ideal career. What LinkedIn provides and helps you with, it’s what you are going to find out if you keep reading.

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows professionals to get in touch with other professionals, helps people find jobs and bosses post positions, teaches you almost anything regarding your industry, and offers you the chance to construct the professional image you need.


What does LinkedIn help you with?

Having a LinkedIn profile means you built a brand for yourself; making you visible to anyone (including here chiefs and selecting entities) that can help you, or that might need your help. You see, LinkedIn it’s not simply an online resume showcasing, it’s an interactive platform that allows professionals from all fields to contact, discover and provide for each other. It is not uncommon to see companies or businesses have LinkedIn profiles, as they value the professional-oriented values and services this platform stands for, or in other words, LinkedIn helps them a lot.It’s time to get social on LinkedIn

By creating an honest profile about your experiences and following companies or people you get inspired by, or value the work of, chances are the algorithm will bring to your attention countless job opportunities that stand at the core of what you are able and eager to do.

Also, when you follow companies, it helps you find out more about their employees, which at some point may become the next connection you look out for.

It’s important to understand that for specific fields and positions, LinkedIn serves as the primary source of contacts and working relationships first steps of engagement.

Use LinkedIn if you don’t work/have any working experience.

Enroll in a LinkedIn course, and take classes. Engage and earn your certificates. Get information, and widen your knowledge. There is no excuse not to have LinkedIn if you have a prospect for yourself.


LinkedIn it’s the platform all professionals and those who aspire to be professionals need to be on!

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2023 is the amalgam of these skills (list)

The world’s an infinite-length marathon and everyone run so as not to get lost in its whirlwind. The next decades, are believed will witness incomparable technology development, and that for companies and businesses translates to in-demand skilled employees, if we consider that since Covid-19 things flow with a different pace.2023 is the amalgam of these skills 

The year 2023 and the years following it is predicted to have an increased demand for reskilling and employers better carefully keep an eye out. In this article, we’ll see what the top skills in order for 2023 and after are.


Top skills for 2023:
  1. Management
  2. Communication
  3. Service client
  4. Leadership
  5. Sales
  6. Project management
  7. Researching
  8. Analytics
  9. Marketing
  10. Teamwork

Hard skills for 2023:

  1. Web development     
  2. SQL

*SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to interact with databases.                                                                                                                                        

  1. Finance    
  2. Python

*Python is a high-level programming language used for a wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more.                                                                                                                                        

  1. Java

*Java is a high-level programming language used for developing a wide range of applications, from desktop software to mobile apps and web applications.                                                                                                                                        

  1. Data analysis
  2. JavaScript

*JavaScript is a programming language used to create dynamic and interactive websites. It is primarily used for front-end development, which involves creating user interfaces and adding interactivity to web pages.                                                                                                                                                                                 

  1. Cloud

*Cloud computing is a model for delivering computing services over the internet. Instead of storing and processing data on local computers or servers, cloud computing allows users to access resources such as storage, computing power, and applications on demand from remote data centers.                                                                                                                                        

  1. Operations                                                                                                                                                       
  2. Client Relationship Management

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The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and how to develop it

In our article on emotional intelligence, we explained what it is and showed you why EI is a great skill to have a great career. But in your workplace, the person who leads by example is the boss, so in this article, we’ll show you why IE is the skill you need to be a good leader.The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and how to develop it

It doesn’t matter if you are a boss or aspire to be one. It’s never too late to develop IE.

Reminder, what is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence gets defined as the ability to understand and control our emotions. In working relationships, emotional intelligence is crucial, as it allows you to create a career and work experience built on understanding and professionalism.

Technical skills and intelligence alone are no longer enough to be good at work and even more so to be a good leader.


The four components of emotional intelligence in a leader:

  1. Awareness: For IE, awareness is its foundation. By this, we must understand that emotional intelligence rises above understanding and reading our feelings. Only a minor percentage of people and leaders are truly aware. A leader who lacks self-awareness causes increased stress levels and lack of motivation, leading to unproductive work and an unproductive team.

To bring out the best in others, you must bring out the best in yourself.

  1. Self-control: Controlling your emotions makes you a better leader. Leaders who lack this ability fall prey to feelings and impulses. In other words, they are not good leaders.

Awareness helps you as a leader not to convey a reaction but a response. By evaluating the employee and the issue, you manage to translate the reaction caused by the feeling of the moment into an answer not influenced by instinct.

  1. Social awareness: Understanding your feelings is only half of being a good leader, as you must be able to read the feelings of others. By practicing empathy, the skill you need in this case, you can better communicate and collaborate. Empathy is the number one skill that makes a leader; providing support to the people who work with you.
  2. Managing relationships: Managing relationships means influencing people at work. After you understand your impact on them, you can guide, direct and resolve conflict.
  1. Fishbone Diagram
  2. Pareto analysis
  3. Affinity diagrams

These techniques help you to structure the information and direct your focus to the roots of the problem.

Importance of IE for leaders:

Emotional intelligence helps you understand your impact on the people you work with. As we said at the beginning of this article, a good leader leads by example, meaning that a great leader invests in emotional intelligence, not only in himself but in the work environment. Emotional intelligence helps you make better decisions under pressure, recognize the feelings of others, and understand their emotional states.

How can you make it your own and develop it?

One way to develop emotional intelligence is to do the 360-degree assessment, where after collecting the impressions of colleagues, you can point out your strengths and weaknesses.

Emotional intelligence gets achieved by first cultivating it in yourself through assessments. You can then use this practice of reflection to understand the interpersonal skills of the people you are looking to hire.

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How and why nurture healthy work relationships?

Work can get a very harsh and challenging environment, but your days won’t get unbearable if you create good relationships with your colleagues, based on understanding and professionalism. How and why nurture healthy work relationships? 

Lived experience and several studies, as well as publications, show that healthy work relationships have multiple benefits, projecting from personal to collective.

Why are healthy work relationships important?

There are reasons why healthy work relationships are effective and give amazing feedback:

  1. Teamwork: a good relationship with your colleagues increases the possibility for your teamwork to be more pleasant, consequently increasing the possibility for your teamwork to be excellent.
  2. High spirits: colleagues who get along and don’t make your life hard, affect the collective high spirits, why not in company morale, creating a motivating environment?
  3. Effectiveness and work satisfaction: a conflict-free environment helps you be more productive and better at what you do, being professionally satisfied.
  4. Personal growth: Having good working relationships translates to less stressing over matters that take away time from your professional growth.

How to built healthy relationships at work?

Communicate often

Communicate every chance you get with your colleagues. This way you make sure to get updates about everything that concerns your mutual work and you also get to build a long-lasting relationship.

Create trustworthiness

A colleague who doesn’t believe in you won’t show any sign of interest to create a good working relationship. Respect the deadlines, be serious, respect, and understand.

No one likes tea

No colleagues you spread words about won’t look at you nicely! We think that’s enough to understand that gossip won’t grace your work figure, nor that of your colleagues!

Support your colleagues

There are days when a nice word it’s enough to inspire and encourage new efforts and energies. Help your colleagues as much as you can, but be careful not to do their work!

Play by the unwritten rules

In every work environment exist unwritten rules (company guidelines) on how to work. Knowing and applying them considerably improves your relationship with your colleagues.

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Creating a professional network

The term “professional network” is not infrequently encountered in the medium of professional development. If you are interested in developing professionally then you should definitely invest in your professional networking, which is actually more straightforward than you think.Creating a professional network

What is professional networking?

Professional networking is meeting new people who share your profession, industry, or interest. Exchanging ideas and information with them gives the complete picture of networking.

Professional networking occurs in formal settings and should not be confused with computer networking. An office meeting, a dedicated event, or an email request to meet with a professional. In all cases, networking is only about meeting new people and professionals helping each other develop their careers.

Why it is significant:

  1. New knowledge and ideas

Networking helps a lot in sharing ideas and knowledge. It also exposes you to them. From here can arise meaningful exchanges and valuable conversations about your approach to how you work and what you do.

  1. Employment opportunities

Share the new job position at the company you work for and that’s how networking does its job, bringing a new employee and friend to your workplace.

  1. Advice and support

Sharing, you give and take. Advice and support from a colleague become an important part of the job. Even when you help out, there’s a good chance you’ll learn something along the way.

Some tips on how to build your professional network:

Although it may sound scary and unpleasant, it doesn’t have to be.

  1. Dedicate time to your networking

During your day, set a schedule that you will dedicate to this activity.

  1. Help colleagues

It’s not just about you, it’s about how you grow with others around you.

  1. Choose quality over quantity

Don’t fall prey to the desire to have many contacts, keep old contacts and evaluate very carefully the opportunities for new acquaintances.

  1. Expand on social networks

Make yourself visible and others will remember you.

  1. Remember that networking is a journey

Professional networking takes time, be patient and everything will come as a natural progression.



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AutoCAD basics

If you have ever wondered how, colossal monuments, tiny, cozy houses, or weird but unique products may become reality from just someone’s idea, then you are missing a significant step, and that’s AutoCAD. AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software, widely used in engineering, architecture, and construction industries to create 2D and 3D designs. In […]

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How and why nurture healthy work relationships?

Work can get a very harsh and challenging environment, but your days won’t get unbearable if you create good relationships with your colleagues, based on understanding and professionalism.How and why nurture healthy work relationships? Lived experience and several studies, as well as publications show that healthy work relationships have multiple benefits, projecting from personal to […]

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How and why nurture healthy work relationships?

Work can get a very harsh and challenging environment, but your days won’t get unbearable if you create good relationships with your colleagues, based on understanding and professionalism. How and why nurture healthy work relationships?  Lived experience and several studies, as well as publications, show that healthy work relationships have multiple benefits, projecting from personal […]

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Creating a professional network

The term “professional network” is not infrequently encountered in the medium of professional development. If you are interested in developing professionally then you should definitely invest in your professional networking, which is actually more straightforward than you think.Creating a professional network What is professional networking? Professional networking is meeting new people who share your profession, […]

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